"Home recorders are masters of inefficiency. We take the longest possible route from point a to point b. It might even be a physical law."
"Stick your microphone out the window. Who knows what you might uncover?!?"
"Chance conversations, items left in the staff room, things your friends are selling or giving away, chance finds during Internet rabbit hole searches all have to be taken seriously. The universe requires the completion of your album to achieve cosmic balance; it hopes you're paying attention!"
Hi all,
I’ve been recording under the name “Troy Meadows” for something like fifteen years. My music has received airplay from wonderful independent, freeform, and college radio stations across the country, including WMBR, WITR, WMFO, WNTE, KAOS, WVUD, WTUL, KZSU, WUOG, XPN, WMPG, and WTSR; it was featured on KALX's "The Next Big Thing."
My latest release, A Faith Observed, is an album about wrestling with God. It's my clumsy masterpiece. As you will hear, every note is sincere.
-D. Klein
"To hell with planning and precision. Home recorders hew to a stricter code."