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Hi folks. Today I'd like to talk about something that means a lot to me. I’d like to give a shout-out to all the home recorders out there. We spend a lot of time alone, and a lot of folks don't even really know about us. We're a strange, invisible subset of the population. And I’d like to brag about us for a second. Here’s what we have going for us: It takes a long time for us to crest. For the musicians you typically end up hearing . . . there’s a tendency . . . once you realize that music is what you do, it's very hard to keep a creative momentum.  You give somebody all the time in the world, all the best equipment, all the best musicians, and a lot of times you end up with something very professional but without that certain magic that is the entire point of recorded music. Home recorders don't communicate much because of the very nature of what we do and where we do it. So right now I’d like to address my fellow home recorders: We haven't crested yet. You know we're gonna find a way to squeeze those recordings out. We don’t have the time, but somehow we’re going to find the time and open new mental chambers and access the material. We reserve the right to take an extended break–God knows we need it. But who knows? We might have a good thirty or forty years left in us. We’ve just got to maintain this upward momentum. That's what's going to work in our favor because you've got to be moving upward. 


I don't want to understand this process. I don't want to become too familiar with it. I don't want to use the same recording setup longer than I have to. I don't want the best musicians. I don't want the best instruments. I don't even want to know how to accomplish the thing I have to accomplish next because that's going to allow the process to be energetic and vital. So home recorders:


Obviously, I salute you, and I know you salute me; and in some secret, hidden way, we're all rooting for each other.


                        -D. Klein 







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